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Taking Junction Krog District to LEED Gold

Junction Krog District initially set out to achieve LEED v4 Core and Shell certification at the Certified Level. Through our innovative pilot approaches in energy and water analyses, we gained additional points, surpassing standard documentation pathways. Without incurring any additional costs or requiring extensive design modifications, the collaborative endeavors of our team not only met but exceeded the objective, and the project achieved LEED Gold certification.

Krog building image

Cybersecurity Operational Technology Services

Our cybersecurity services offer a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your operational technologies. We enhance cybersecurity awareness through educational programs and create customized frameworks for risk management and asset security. Here’s how we can support you:

Invesco Lounge web
Sustainable Labs chart

HVAC Design Approaches for Sustainable Laboratories

HVAC systems in a typical laboratory facility can use five to 10 times as much energy as the systems in a typical office building. This higher energy use is due to many factors, including 100 percent outside air systems, 24-hour-a-day operation, high internal heat gains, high air change rate requirements, equipment exhaust requirements, and high fan energy. With this significant energy use, the incentive for creative sustainable design grows—not only to create forward-thinking research spaces, but to maximize a lab’s ROI.